I was born in Jersey Shore Hospital in Neptune, New Jersey. At the time both of my parents were in residency.
I learned how to sew from my grandma. Since almost all of my family lived in Egypt, I rarely got to see her and spend time with her. At the time, my Arabic was not very good and she did not speak any English.
The way my grandma and I would communicate was by sewing together. To this day I still send her photos of all of my work.
I always knew I loved math. In 2nd grade my teacher told me that I could not particiapte in "Multiplication All Around the World" because the past 5 times we played I won.
In 2009, a local highschool offered the first middle school math competition in Pensacola. My school decided to send a team, and I ended up placing first in the individual round.
Three years later, I went to that highschool and spent all 4 years, being a committee member of the middle school math competition and expanded it to also be an elementary school competition.
The first organization I joined at Pensacola High School was Drama Club. I took my first Costume Design class and fell in love with theatre.
I became the costume head for Troupe 4760 and decided to compete in regions for costume construction for the next 4 years.
2012 was the first year I ever competed with my designs and I got straight superiors at regions and state.
I started a new episode of my life in August 2015 and decided to move 1,500 miles away from my home to Pittsburgh, PA for college.
No one from my highschool had ever gone to Carnegie Mellon. The main reason I decide to go was because of their amazing Math and Drama School. I currently am a Junior and majoring in Applied and Computation Mathematics with an additional major in Human Computer Interaction.
When i came to Carnegie Mellon I had no idea what computer science was. I had heard about it in passing in movies, but never really comprehended what computer science could do.
In my spring 2016 courseload I enrolled in Fundamentals of Computer Science (15-112). I was extremely nervous and did not think I would like it. I loved it.
In the first class, we learned how to print "Hello World." When he said this in class, there was a wave of laughter. I looked around at my peers and was very nervous for what was to come because at the time I was extremely lost and confused. At the end of the course we had to create a final project. I decided to create the game "Carnegieopoly" (Carnegie Mellon Monopoly). I created an AI for the game and from then, fell inlove with Computer Science.
Over the summer between Freshman and Sophmore Year I had an internship at the Institute of Human and Machine Cognition. There I collaborated with Megabots: A Giant Robot Dual team to assist in programming a robot for the Giant Robot dual. I specificlaly worked on a simulation of the robot to test its capabilities.
During the summer between Sophmore and Junior Year I intered at Google in Cambridge, MA. I worked on the Mobile-Testing-as-a-Service Team. There I created a User Interface for the team that transformed a 60 min process to a 2 min process by making common actions easily accessible to the user. I also created a design document, implemented the design, coducted design review, and lauched the UI internally.